John Walsh

John Walsh

John Walsh, Nola's father

Per Kathleen, this picture was taken at a life insurance agent's convention.

John is in the front row, and is the only one:

  • Who doesn't have a wrinkled suit (must have been summer with those straw hats)
  • Who doesn't have a pen in his pocket
  • Whose pants are exactly the right length
  • Who has a rose in his lapel instead of a "convention ribbon"

... and incidentally, the sweetest, kindest, nicest gentleman you could know. 


November 28, 2020


Group, Kathleen
Thaddeus Aquinus Dunne (Tad)
"I used to cuss a lot when I first learned how. Practice makes perfect. Mom washed my mouth out with soap. I didn't get the connection. What's cussing got to do with hygiene?"
– Paul Dunne
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